Qiushi Journal | 从源头上解决好高质量自主创新成果供给不足的

时间:2021-08-15 22:11:21来源:省钱购物商城  阅读:(13)收藏



Addressing the root cause of the problem of insufficient supply of high-quality indigenous innovations


What China needs to do now is take full advantage of these positive trends in S&T innovation, and more clearly define the strategic areas and main directions that should be focused on while aiming for a higher level, higher quality, and higher value. We need to become more oriented toward making new things in order to boost original innovation, take a farsighted approach in order to reinforce basic research and cutting-edge technology, and leverage our new nationwide mobilization system to tackle tough problems related to core technologies in key fields. We also need to step up efforts to create, accumulate, and protect indigenous IP in key fields, especially those with a bearing on national security such as next-generation information and communications technology, gene mapping, staple crop seed, and important foodstuffs and pharmaceuticals. Meanwhile, active support should be provided to key industries for their overseas IP layout, for only by gaining an upper hand at the source of the issue will China be able to overcome hurdles that have a chokehold on its IP development and gradually solve the problem of too much quantity and not enough quality in Chinese IP.

(Excerpts from To Protect Intellectual Property Is to Protect Innovation by CPC Leadership Group of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qiushi Journal, No. 02, 2021)






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